Task Force Chair
Senior Counsel
Mondelez International
Created in Color
Trecia Is A High-Level Creative Professional With Strong Technical, Communications, And Project Management Skills. Combining A Digital Marketing And Technology Background With A Passion For Communication And Creative Execution, Trecia Specializes In Designing Polished And Impactful Marketing And Communication Programs From Strategy Through Implementation
Senior Vice President
Forbes Tate Partners
Arthur Sidney Is A Law And Public Policy Professional With Nearly 25 Years Experience In The All Three Branches Of Government, Where He Currently Serves As Senior Vice President At Forbes Tate Partners. Arthur Focuses Upon Technology/Digital Services And Telecom Issues, With A Particular Focus In Antitrust, Intellectual Property, And Privacy. He Has Worked At One Of The Oldest Digital Services Associations Representing The Tech Community And Has Served As Chief Of Staff And Chief Counsel To Rep. Henry C. “Hank” Johnson, Jr. (Ga-04) And Chief Counsel And Legislative Director For Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Tx-18) For Over A Decade Where He Advised On All Judiciary Related Matters.
We believe the American Dream hinges on healthy, competitive markets accessible to every American.
The FSIC Antitrust/Competition Taskforce’s mission is to spotlight the adverse effects of market failures, unchecked consolidation, and anticompetitive activity, particularly on minorities and vulnerable communities. Industry by industry, the Taskforce educates impacted communities about how high prices, poor access to goods and services, and entrenched economic inequality can be explained by competition problems and how antitrust can be a valuable legal tool to combat market failures and restore the benefits of competition.
Drawing on a network of antitrust experts, community leaders, policymakers, and grassroots organizers, the Taskforce will advocate for sound competition policy and everyone’s right to benefit from the fruits of that policy. It is a venue where those impacted can safely raise their concerns and join the discussion. We work together to support the American Dream and fight for every person’s right to economic prosperity.
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